本團於2005年成立,初時主要服事教會的初中生,期望鞏固團友信仰基礎及提昇個人與神關係的追求。時至今天(2011年),團友年齡主要是15-19歳,學歷由高中至大專不等。團契內容包含每星期一次團契週會、主日學、門徒訓練及個人造就。團契所有活動都會由三位團契導師及五位團職策劃及帶領。週會除了每月有一次查經,專題學習,更不時有戶內外活動,期望藉此讓團友更能在平日生活中實踐信仰,帶領同學歸主,服事教會及社區。門徒訓練及個人造就的目標,是透過團友的自我發現及信仰反思,塑造每一位團友成為具感染力的屬靈領袖。 以下是其中一位團友的心聲: As a fellowship member, I would say that this fellowship is possessed by everyone in it. We are the people who own the fellowship. Together we are the fellowship.
This is a fellowship that aims to learn more about Jesus and spread the
gospel of Jesus. Please feel free to come join us whether or not you have
declared Jesus as your savior. We welcome everyone. |
Our fellowship is really cool. We do all kinds of things like games, both indoor and outdoor. But more importantly, we have time for us to learn more about Jesus by reading and analyzing the Bible. We listen to what God wants us to do and act on it. Though I'm 10,000 km away, but I didnt leave contacts with my friends in Peter fellowship. Dominic (Studying in Bellingham in the America since September, 2010)